Wednesday, 17 September 2014

DAY 4 Hobart and Richmond

Look around Hobart urban area

Franklin Wharf
Everybody in Tasmania says,  "Australia's most beautiful state capital city is here Hobart city".
Hobart city is introduced like,
"Straddling the picturesque Derwent River at the foot of majestic Mt. Wellington's forested slopes, Hobart was founded as a penal settlement in 1803.
It's the second-oldest city in the country after Sydney, and it certainly rivals its mainland counterparts as Australia's most beautiful state capital".
Exactly, there are lots of impressive and beautiful sights around the Hobart waterfront.
a big cruise line at anchor along Macquarie Wharf.
Michael urges me to go to the Salamanca Market where many people enjoy the sales of arts and crafts every Saturday(between 8 and 3).
On the way to the market, I can see the beautiful sea and many ships or boats are moored to the buoys around this waterfront.
Outshore of the waterfront is the Sullivans Cove. The Sullivans Cove is at the mouth of the Derwent  River and there are three wharves along the cove. They are Macquarie Wharf (at the north side of the cove), Franklin Wharf ( west) and Princes Wharf(south).  These wharves are crowded by any kind of ships, big cruisers, or yachts. Those ships seem to prepare for next sailing, but they are enjoying their relaxing time in the morning sunshine.

タスマニアにいる人は、誰もが「オーストラリアの最も美しい州都市は、ここ、ホバート市だ!」と云う。ホバート市は次のように紹介されている。「絵のようなダーウエント川をまたがって、荘厳なウエリントン山のすそ野に、ホバート市は1803年流刑地として創設され、シドニーについで、二番目目に古い都市であること、そして、オーストラリアで最も美しい州都市として、オーストラリア本土と都市と競り合っている。」 まさしく、このあたりでは、心に残るような、美しい景色が沢山ある。
a big orange icebreaker sailing around the Antarctic Ocean
Michael points to the orange ship and says "That orange ship is an ice breaker boat and it sails at the Antarctic Ocean." I realize that this Tasmania island is located near the Antarctic Ocean.


Salamanca Place on Saturday

Along the Hobart waterfront at Salamanca Place are crowded by lot's of visitors on Saturday.
Many of shops which sell arts and crafts appear around the square at that place.
Salamanca Market Place ( behind Mt Wellington.)
Michael says, "Especially on Saturday  (between 8 and 3), the area becomes a giant market with a large number of tent shops, where still more local artists join produce growers, bric-a-brac sellers, and itinerant musicians and wares". and some of the farmers or orchard families sell their own products.


Today's weather is changeable. Just like the weather in the pictures doesn't continue and after then it becomes rain shower like a squall. We run into one of the craft shops' tent in a hurry and take shelter from the rain. Then I am looking over the goods at the shop with listening to the chat with Michael and the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper says" I don't like the rain but this is good rain for us because many people visit my shop for taking shelter from the rain. Then I'm happy if some of them look around the goods and buy some.
When it rains the tent shop is crowded and no space left for others but when the rain is getting to stop, most of the people in the shop are moving out.


There are many kinds of crafts and artworks in those shops of tents or storage house stores in the old sand buildings. Those items made from regional timber, myrtle, sassafras, and Huon pine, are popular. You'll find more interest in these goods.

多くの手芸品や工芸雑貨が、テントの店や、古い砂壁のビルの倉庫にある店などの店頭にならべられている。 これらの商品では、地元タスマニアのテインバーの木やギンバイカ、ササフラスなど潅木、そして、ヒゅーオン・パインなどが、人気が高い。 これらの商品を眺めていると、興味が尽きない。

the Organ Pipes

We drive up to the north from the center of the city and get to Queen's Domain.
On the way to there, I take a picture of the Organ Pipes of Mt Wellington.
The rock's shape of the south side wall seems like a pipe organ.
Probably many rock climbers long for climbing up at these rocks'  wall.
When I see these rocks, I feel, as if I could hear solemn music from the Organ Pipes.


The pillar rocks sheer up to the top of Mt Wellington. They are called them "The Organ Pipes"
柱状の岩が、ウエリントン 山の頂上に向け、そそり立っている。それらの岩は「ザ・オルガンパイプ」と呼ばれている

Queen's Domain

There is a viewpoint of the hill. We park the car there for while and take some pictures of the beautiful houses and Mt Wellington.
The scenery is excellent at the fine weather in the .picture below.

the most beautiful landscape of the city from the hill of  Queen's Domain.

Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens

Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens are in Queen's Domain and enough worthwhile to visit and to see the
A Cork  oak
plants which from all over the world are here and more than 6000 exotic and native species in all.
A big cork oak tree provides some shade for the visitors.

There are many gardens from other countries here. You can see a typical Japanese garden here. One of the gardens has something special Japanese atmosphere by bamboo, pine trees, water-weeds and a small bridge in the pond.


 beautiful garden in Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens

They grow rare plants of the Antarctic in this cool chamber like an icebox. You can never see these plants without here except the Antarctic.


The weather is getting fine. Michael says "Let's go to Richmond! It's an old town and you can see a lot of interesting things. "  " OK, let's go !" 

天気がよくなってきた。 マイケルは「リッチモンドへ行こう!古い街だが、面白いものが沢山見れるよ!」 「OK、行こう!」

Old town Richmond
We get to Richmond where is located northeast of Hobart city. This town has something historical.  Some of the houses here are keeping the historical style of Georgia (1820 ~1830).
Michael says"This town has some historical, gentle and calm mood by those old style houses."


This is a good place for a date. The couples are enjoying the chat.
ここは、デートをするのに、相応しい場所だ 会話を楽しんでいる

 The road is for the visitor's parking place.

This house's style is  cool! isn't it!

Old buildings with new design

There are some interesting things to see in this town. And they are Old Hobart Town Model Village, Richmond bridge and St John Catholic Church that is the oldest Catholic church in Australia.

この町には幾つかの、興味深い、見るべきもがあり、オールド・ホバートタウン・モデルビレッジ(Old Hobart  Town Model Village)、リッチモンドブリジ(Richmond Bridge)、やオーストラリアで一番古いカソリック教会のセントジョン・カトリック教会(St John Catholic Church)、がある。

Old Hobart Town Model Village

 They are displaying the historical model village there which accurately replicates in miniature of the lifestyles and houses of Hobart in 1820.

オールド・ホバートタウン・モデルビレッジ(Old Hobart  Town Model Village)では,1820年のホバートの村の生活様式や歴史にある出来事を精巧なミニチュア模型を使って表現してある。

A sailing ship anchors at Hobart harbor. Many convicts were sent here far from their native country.

The villagers are busy for carrying some of crops or washing.

It looks like a prison and an execution ground.

Richmond Bridge and St John Catholic Church
Richmond Bridge, the oldest stone bridge in Australia, is harmonizing with the beautiful brown colored arch and the scenery around. The beautiful bridge's construction completed using convict labor in 1825. The labors of the building were very hard and sever jobs. A guard, whose duties was including flogging the prisoners, was unpopular because of his ferocity. When he was drunk and slept at Richmond Bridge, someone pushed off the edge of the bridge. Then, he fell down the river and died. No one was convicted of his murder.  And his ghost may be heard as you pass by the Bridge.

オーストラリアで、一番古い石造りの橋、リッチモンド・ブリッジ は、その美しいアーチと砂岩の色が周囲の風景とうまく調和している。
Richmond Bridge; the oldest stone bridge in Australia
St. John Catholic church (the oldest Catholic church in Australia)
セントジョン・カトリック教会 (オーストラリアで一番古いカソリック教会)

This simple Church is constructed of sandstone and it's built on the hill of near Richmond Bridge.
On Sunday, many people might go to Church at the hill and they pray for the betterment of the lives or their spiritual home.

この素朴な教会は、砂岩で建造され、リッチモンド橋の近くの丘の上に建てられている。 日曜日には、多くの人々は丘の上のこの教会に行き、明日のよき生活を願って、あるいは、精神的憩いを求めて、祈りを捧げている。

St. John Catholic Church (1837.C) This is the oldest Catholic church in Australia
セント・ジョン カトリック教会 オーストラリアで一番古いカトリック教会

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