This is an Australia's oldest bridge in Tasmania. Do you know the name of this bridge? オーストラリアのタスマニア州にある最古の 橋の名前を知っていますか? |
「オーストラリアのタスマニアにいったことが、ありますか?」友達のマイケルが言うには、「そこは非常に魅惑的な島だよ!どこへ行っても、歴史的にも、地質学的にすばらしい宝物が発見できる所だ!」 「わかった!で、いつ、行こうか?」 「今、でしょう!」
2014 April 23 Departure
Fukuoka Airport is buzzing with activity, and I have to dodge between tour groups and business men as I roll my giant suitcase to international departures. The immigration officer checks my passport silently and waits next passenger..
Now the curtain of the theater "Lone Ranger" has opened! Let's go to Australia! I am exciting to think about unknown travel. . My destination is through Melbourne to Tasmania.
Fukuoka International Airport/ Departure (福岡国際空港/出発口) |
I board Cathy airline(CX5381) at Fukuoka Airport and fly to Hong Kong. then board the connecting flight(CX105) to Melbourne.The atmosphere of the departure's lobby is something special with hopes and anxieties. It's images will remain for a long time in the memories.
Many passengers or business men are waiting for the next departure at the transit area. Some of them eat Mac hamburgers with reading, talking, mediating or napping with each own style.
Those people are not only from local but far from distant countries. I greet with a lady taking her children is a Mongolian.
The passengers including me who are stay here, are enough international traveling people !
Bon voyage!
Hong Kong International Airport/transit area (香港国際空港乗継待合所) |
I board the Cathay Pacific Airways " CX105 " which leaves Hong Kong at midnight and arrives at Melbourne International Airport before noon.
In the morning, I can see brown Australia land is spreading far to the horizon below the window.
It is one of my memorial experiences to see Australia land by my own eyes. And it is a miracle feeling to know that I am now on the southern hemisphere.
You have to fill in the question of " Incoming Passenger Card". before landing on Australia and hand it to the immigrant officer with the passport. In my case this time, I indulge in watching movies or drinking, then I neglect to fill in the card thoroughly. They give me a kind chance to complete it. I can write and complete it by the side of the immigrant officers.'s desk. Then I show them it with my passport. They check the card with my passport.
As I apply for ETA (Electric Travel Authority ) system and give them my passport information by using the Internet, they have my information already in their computer. they glance at me and return back my passport. Then they point me the way to the exit door. Then I open the door and see ...
キャセイ CX105便に乗換え、香港を真夜中に飛び立ち、昼前にメルボルン国際空港に到着します。朝になると、茶色の広大なオーストラリア大陸が飛行機の窓の下からずっと地平線の彼方まで広がっている景色が見えます。オーストラリア大陸を自分の目で見ることは、私にとって、ひとつの記念すべき貴重な経験です。そして、私は今南半球の上に居ると思うと、不思議な感覚につつまれる。
In the morning, I can see brown Australia land is spreading far to the horizon below the window.
It is one of my memorial experiences to see Australia land by my own eyes. And it is a miracle feeling to know that I am now on the southern hemisphere.
You have to fill in the question of " Incoming Passenger Card". before landing on Australia and hand it to the immigrant officer with the passport. In my case this time, I indulge in watching movies or drinking, then I neglect to fill in the card thoroughly. They give me a kind chance to complete it. I can write and complete it by the side of the immigrant officers.'s desk. Then I show them it with my passport. They check the card with my passport.
As I apply for ETA (Electric Travel Authority ) system and give them my passport information by using the Internet, they have my information already in their computer. they glance at me and return back my passport. Then they point me the way to the exit door. Then I open the door and see ...
キャセイ CX105便に乗換え、香港を真夜中に飛び立ち、昼前にメルボルン国際空港に到着します。朝になると、茶色の広大なオーストラリア大陸が飛行機の窓の下からずっと地平線の彼方まで広がっている景色が見えます。オーストラリア大陸を自分の目で見ることは、私にとって、ひとつの記念すべき貴重な経験です。そして、私は今南半球の上に居ると思うと、不思議な感覚につつまれる。
オーストラリアに入国の際は、機内で”Incoming Passenger Card"の質問事項に記入します。そのカードとパスポートを入国管理の係官に提出しなければならなりません。
短期滞在でオーストラリアに入国する場合は、パスポート情報を出発前にあらかじめ、インターネットなどを使って登録するシステム(ETA=Electric Travel Authority)があり、登録はすませてあるので、問題ないと思っている。
短期滞在でオーストラリアに入国する場合は、パスポート情報を出発前にあらかじめ、インターネットなどを使って登録するシステム(ETA=Electric Travel Authority)があり、登録はすませてあるので、問題ないと思っている。
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