DAY 3 The bus tour in Tasmania

(Devon Port  to Hobart)
In a quiet dawn, Spirits of Tasmania is calmly brought alongside the wharf of Devon Port.    A loud voice from the speaker in the cabin announced her arrival and it awakes me. Through the porthole, I see  fields and houses approaching up, I am impressed deeply. the scenery."Oh! this is the first scenery of Tasmania land, Magnificent !" and shout "At last, I am here in Tasmania!"Then I get off the ship and take a rest for a while at the waiting room in the terminal house beside the wharf. The room is smaller than the one at Melbourne harbor and has about 30 chairs .
.The reception lady kindly teaches me where to go for a breakfast and when to take a bus; beside she asks the restaurant for my breakfast available by telephone. 
Then I go out and find her recommended restaurant in five minutes walk.
The morning restaurant  opens from 6:00 to 8:00 a.m.
 静かな夜明けの中、スピリッツ・オブ・タスマニア号はデボン・ポートの桟橋にゆっくりと接岸している。 船内放送の大音声で目が覚める、寝ぼけ眼で、船窓を眺めると、野原と家が見える。 「これは、タスマニアの光景だ!」その景色に思わず感動する。「とうとう、タスマニアに来たのだ!」.。 そして、船から降りて、波止場の傍のターミナルハウスの待合室で少しの間、休息とる。部屋はメルボルンのより、小さく、待合の肘掛け椅子が30席ぐらいで、受付のご婦人が、親切に、朝食を食べるところや、何時にバスに来るかを教えてくれる。 朝食のレストランは、そこから歩いて五分ぐらいの所にあり、そこへは、小さな事務所から、わざわざ予約の電話を入れてくれる。そのレストランは朝食のため、朝6時から8時まで間、開いている。

On the way back to the terminal house, I see again the beautiful Spirits of Tasmania. She looks busy for preparing to sail for Melbourne with new passengers and cars.

I ride on a Red Line bus at the terminal house. The bus runs on the high way route 1. from Devon Port to Hobart for about four and half hours. It's a lot of fan to see the  views on the road side of Tasmanian fields, forests or small towns through the window. Then I realize that there are some flocks of the cows or sheep grazing in these wide fields. Now I remember some the big super chain companies advertisement of "Tasmanian beef "on TV. So, I guess this places might be the home of famous Tasmanian Beef and renew the memory.
Both side of the high way road, there are lots of glass fields and eucalyptus forests, but there are only few houses except town or city. These views continues for hours and hours.

 ターミナルハウスからレッドラインバスに乗って、ホバートへ向う。 バスはデボンポートからホバートまで、4時間半、ルート1号線ハイウエイを快適に走る。
 車窓から見えるタスマニアの原野や森、そして、途中の小さな町の景色を眺めながらの旅は、結構、楽しめる。そして、この広い原野で、たくさんの牛や羊の群れが草を食んでいるのがみえる。そういえば、最近、あるスーパーチェーン店のテレビの広告で、「タスマニア・ビーフ」の宣伝をしているのを思い出し、 そうか、ここが、タスマニア・ビーフの原産地なのだと、認識を新たにする。
cattle 牛
  Cattle in some pasture on the high way from Devon Port to Hobart 
Sheep  羊      
 I am surprised with the scenery of lots of seep are grazing in the meadows. I wonder how they gather these seep scattered widely around.
Anyway,sheep farming is one of  important industries in this country,isn't it.
 Some times I see some horses in the fields, I imagine, they might breed the Thoroughbred, which the squatter mounted on, just like the lyrics in the famous Australian song of Waltzing Matilda.
Baby horses of Thoroughbred ? (サラブレッドの子馬?)


Calm street and houses of Launceston
The bus takes a rest at Launceston for half an hour and waits the passengers from another bus line. The atmosphere of this town seems peaceful and calm and some houses are historical.


A lady, next the seat, speaks to me. "I wonder where are you from?" I reply "I am from Hirohsima Japan" " Oh! really! I have visited Japan  once". so she says. Then I have a talk with her about the trees or fields out of the bus window, for a while. She talks lots of interesting stories about the things both side of the road.
She looks a little elderly but healthy.  She lives alone in Hobart city. She lost her husband several yeas ago. She seems something graceful. She does walking every morning around Mt.Wellington near her house. From her stories I understand why she looks so healthy.


Our bus arrives at the bus station of Hobart after 2 p.m.  I thank the lady for chatting with me. Then I get off the bus. There, I find my friend Michael. I feel very happy to see him here as the plan.
 "Toshio Congratulations! You get here by yourself with this giant heavy trunk " by saying, he push it into his car. I feel relieved to ride in the car.

 バスは2時過ぎにホバートのバス停に到着。 話につきあってくれたご婦人に感謝しながら、バスをおりる。そこで、友人のマイケルを見つける。ここで会うことを前もって計画していたが、そのとおりになったことに大満足。
 マイケルは「敏夫 おめでとう!君は、一人で、この重たい巨大なトランクを引きずって、ここまでたどりついた!」と、その重たいトランクを彼の車に押し込めながら、歓迎してくれる。 車に乗れてホッとする。
Salamanca Market /Hobart city

Myer  Mall

Hobart city is a quiet and reserved city. There are many old buildings keep each own pride with some dignity in this city.  The lady in the bus says, "that is a funny design building isn't it" ,with pointing to a new building .designed by just like modern art. Around here, it seems that old building's troops are showing their own power.
Just look at the streets and houses.

  ホバート市は静かで落ち着きがある都市といえる。 多くの古いビルがそれなりの威厳をもって、それぞれのプライドを保持している。 バスのご婦人は、近代芸術にあるような、ビルの建物を指さして、「あれは変なデザインの建物でしょ!」と言っている。 ここでは、古い建物が、まだまだ威張っているようだ。

The sign might be La Bella Pizza house.

Michael says," Hobart city's town remains this old and genteel atmosphere of old town's in England. But you can hardly see it there in England now."


Parliament  House 
I wonder, what kinds of advertisements are they?
the view of Hobart city from Mt. Wellington (1270 m) observatory at early evening
Michael drives me up to the view point at the top Mt.Wellington (1270 m) in the twilight. I can see the view of Hobart city and the suburbs around. The lights of the houses in Hobart city look like beautiful brilliant jewels scattered around the city and the Derwent river  It is windy and bitter cold here out of the car at this time and the season. He kindly lends me his rain gear as a windbreaker. Thanks Michael!

マイケルは、夕方、ウエリントン山(海抜 1270m)山頂の展望台に案内してくれる。ここから、ホバート市とその近郊が一望できる。 ホバート市内の家々の灯りが、う美しく、輝く、宝石を街からダーウエントの河畔にかけてちりばめたようだ。 
この季節の夕方のこの時刻、ここは風が強く、とても寒い。マイケルは親切にも、彼の雨具を風よけとして貸してくれる。 ありがとうマイケル!

The left house on Macquarie street is the Old Woolstore Apartment hotel which i'm going to stay at for the nights.

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