Monday, 29 April 2019

Day 1 Departure

Have you ever been Tasmania in Australia?
It is Australia's oldest bridge in Tasmania.
Do you know the name of this bridge?

"Have you ever been to Tasmania in Australia?" My friend Michael says "It 's a very attractive island. Everywhere you would go there, you'll find some historically or geologically miracle treasures."
"OK!, then, when shall we go there?""Let's go Now!"
「オーストラリアのタスマニアにいったことが、あるかい?」友達のマイケルが言うには、「そこはたいそう魅惑的な島だよ!どこへ行っても、歴史的にも、地質学的にも、すばらしい宝物が発見できる所だ!」 「わかった!で、いつ、行こうか?」 「今 ! でしょう…」

Departure  2014 April 23

Fukuoka Airport is buzzing with activity, and I have to dodge between tour groups and businessmen as I roll my giant suitcase to international departures.  The immigration officer checks my passport silently and waits for the next passenger.
Now the curtain of the theater "Lone Ranger" has opened!  Let's go to Australia!  I am excited to think about unknown travel.  My destination is through Melbourne to Tasmania.

Fukuoka International Airport/ Departure

I board Cathy airline(CX5381) at Fukuoka Airport and fly to Hong Kong. then board the connecting flight(CX105)  to Melbourne. The atmosphere of the departure's lobby is something special with hopes and anxieties. Its images will remain for a long time in the memories.


Hong Kong International Airport/transit area
 Many passengers or businessmen are waiting for the next departure at the transit area. Some of them eat Mac hamburgers with reading, talking, meditating or napping with each own style.

 Those people are not only from local but far from distant countries. I greet with a lady taking her children is a Mongolian.
 The passengers including me who are staying here, are enough international traveling people!
Bon, voyage!



I board the Cathay Pacific Airways " CX105 " which leaves Hong Kong at midnight and arrives at Melbourne International Airport before noon.
In the morning,  I can see brown Australia land is spreading far to the horizon below the window.
It is one of my memorial experiences to see  Australia land in my own eyes. And it is a miracle feeling to know that I am now on the southern hemisphere.

You have to fill in the question of " Incoming Passenger Card". before landing on Australia and hand it to the immigration officer with the passport. In my case this time, I indulge in watching movies or drinking, then I neglect to fill in the card thoroughly. They give me a kind chance to complete it. I can write and complete it by the side of the immigrant officers.'s desk. Then I show them it with my passport. They check the card with my passport.

As I apply for ETA (Electric Travel Authority ) system and give them my passport information by using the Internet, they have my information already on their computer. The customer's officer glances at me with my passport and he points me the exit door to the way out. Then I open the door and find the terminal station where many buses are waiting for us in the light sunshine.

キャセイ CX105便に乗換え、香港を真夜中に飛び立ち、昼前にメルボルン国際空港に到着します。朝になると、茶色の広大なオーストラリア大陸が飛行機の窓の下からずっと地平線の彼方まで広がっている景色が見えます。オーストラリア大陸を自分の目で見ることは、私にとって、ひとつの記念すべき貴重な経験です。そして、私は今南半球の上に居ると思うと、不思議な感覚につつまれる。
オーストラリアに入国の際は、機内で”Incoming Passenger Card"の質問事項に記入します。そのカードとパスポートを入国管理の係官に提出しなければならなりません。

短期滞在でオーストラリアに入国する場合は、パスポート情報を出発前にあらかじめ、インターネットなどを使って登録するシステム(ETA=Electric Travel Authority)があり、登録はすませてあるので、問題ないと思っている。

→DAY 2 Landing Melbourne 

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Day 8 Cradle Mountain

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you missed the eyeful Cradle mountain than by the ones you drunk too much delicious Tasmanian wine and forgot coming back to your hotel.
So, I really recommend you make a plan to go hiking up to the eyeful great" Cradle Mountain" mountain in your itinerary of Tasmania trip.

The view of Cradle Mountain from Dove Lake ダブ湖からクレードル山を望む

As the name suggests, the shape of the mountain resembles a cradle of a baby.
Cradle Mountain area is one of the most popular scenic and wildlife areas of Tasmania to visit. The mountain is situated in the  Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park. Let's enjoy walking in Tasmania's wildness.


Let's go to Cradle Mountain!さあ!クレードル山へ行こう!
Today, we will go hiking to Cradle Mountain. Before walking, stop the car to the parking lot at the entrance of the trail of the hiking courses, submit a hiking course to the post of the nearby the hut for the security.

The hiking starts nice and easy on a board walk in the grass land.

At the beginning of Overland Track, a wooden trail steers us toward Cradle mountain 木の歩道が、クレードル山へと導く 
We enjoy walking on the trails by viewing the peculiar scenery around.

 Button Grass growing both sides of the trail 歩道の両脇にはボタングラス
These grass balls are called Button Grass. Each of the Button Grasses is like a big grass ball like a sea urchin. Some of the diameter's sizes of them are more than 1 meter. It produces tunnies. It stains the water into the red.  Alpine coral fern and Button Grass dominate the alpine wet sedge-lands near the summit.
Button Grass  Button grassland (foreground)along the trail ボタングラス草
A half an hour walk after departure from the parking, We hear the sounds of waterfalls. It is called Crater Falls. 

A half hour, we come across Crater Falls 30分たって、 クレーター滝に到着
Then, at the side of Crater Lake, a Boat Shed stands and welcomes our visiting 

Boat Shed  ボート小屋
It is autumn now here in the Southern Hemisphere. Fagus's Yellow and orange colored leaves add on something special color around the mountains.
The Fagus leaves turn the color and fall around the beginning of May.

It is raining now. The weather around here is very changeable at this season.

 Crater Lake  クレーター湖

The left lake is called Crater Lake. It remains glacial lake before two hundred million years. The white mountain top trail guides us to Marion Lookout.

The white line is a ridge trail. 稜線を白いトレイルが伸びている
Crater Peak looks like watching us over the Crater Lake and asking where we are from.

Crater Peak and Crater Lake クレタ―ピークとクレーター湖
Dove Lake and Mt. Campbell from Marion Lookout. (south )
マリオン展望台から、ダブ湖とキャンベル山 (南の方角)
Dove Lake and Mt.Campbell(in front of the lake) from Marion Lookout 
At last, we walk up to the Kitchen Hut at the bottom of Cradle Mountain.
We gave up to get to the top because we didn't have enough time for another climb and equipment for the weather risks. We are really satisfied with enjoying this eyeful scenery in the good weather at this time.

The ahead of the trail is Kitchen Hut  この道の先にキッチンハット(道の先の白い小さな四角の建物)
Widely Cradle Plateau spreads foot of Cradle Mountain. In a west way, many mountain chains are spreading.

 Westside from the trail near Kitchen Hut. キッチン小屋の近くのトレイルから見た西側景色

Perfectly, catch the scenery of Cradle Mountain.  完璧なクレードル山の姿です。

Cradle mountain from Dove lake ダブ湖から見たクレードル山

We are lucky being able to see the rainbow at the Lira Lake on the way back.

All my life, I will never forget the fortune that I could see this  eyeful Cradle Mountain here,

At Marion's Lookout マリオン展望台から

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

DAY 7 Brickendon village & Woolmers estate 

Brickendon Village ブリッケンドン村

Coachman's Cottage コーチマンズ コテジ (御者の別棟)

Coachman’s cottage
This cottage where we stayed last night was built in 1840 s. It has become one of the world heritages in this area.
Michael explains the reason why its name of the cottage is called Coachman's cottage... ” As a male servant of the highest status, the coachman had the most comfortable cottage, with two bedrooms upstairs and kitchen, living room, store and office downstairs. .The coachman cared for the horses and carriages in the nearby Coach Houses and Stable, and was expected to be ready at moment's notice.”

A mail coach

Can you see the coachman in the right picture?  The picture is displayed by the bed. It's a very interesting picture.


There is a backyard behind the house.
The scenery of the garden from the windows in the living room is excellent with colorful autumn leaves. It looks beautiful just like an impressionistic picture.

Garden view from the dining room.
Colorful leaves paint the garden beautifully.

この家には、裏庭があり、その秋の紅葉の眺めは素晴らしい。 それは、印象派の絵のように美しい。

The garden with fallen leaves spreading like carpet.
The scenery around the cottage provides good material for paint artists.

If I had enough time to stay here, I would be drawing some pictures all day long.


There are some interesting houses and burns in Brickendon village.
 They were built at early 19 century and kept recently.
The right building is a pillar granary.
 Michael says "Those houses were built around early 19 century and run by convicts, who were sent here from England for the villages' industries.
 Brickendon with Archer property Woolmers and ten other sites has been entered on the World Heritage list.

With looking at these old houses, I am imagining how these convicts were spending their life at the days.





Chapel and farm cottage 
Those people who worked hard in the farm had a day of rest and worship in this chapel on Sunday..


left Chapel, right  Cookhouse

Blacksmiths' shop

Woolmers Estate 
The main house's  Italianate  front looks very fashionable.

Next, to Brickendon farm village, Woolmers Estate is on the side of Macquarie River 
Woolmers is on the National Heritage List and the Tasmanian Heritage Register. With neighboring  Archer property Brickendon and ten other sites, it has been entered on the World Heritage list because of its outstanding significance within the Australian convict system.

子の館の主のトーマス・ アーチャー5世は、1913年の車種ウールズレイを購入して、

Thomas Archer V bought the 1913 Wolseley for his honeymoon and toured Tasmania in it.

Coach House
Wolseley 1913

In this large farm, there are barns that cut sheep's hair, pump huts that pump up water from the river, various facilities, and some are still in use.
 The ruler of this farm might have been an ambitious person who felt the leading edge of the times often seen at the beginning of the 20th century, constantly looking at the world and repeatedly devising and making various efforts by himself.

National  Rose Garden

Sunday, 21 December 2014

DAY 6 Freycinet National Park

Today's our tour starts with getting food at a supermarket and filling up gas at a gas station.
We drive on the Tasman HWY along the east coast of Tasmania from Hobart to Freycinet National Park. This morning weather is the best for driving along the seashores.

white Raspins Beach 

After about one hour driving, we park the car for a break in front of a wine shop. Michael recommends me to buy a bottle of Tasmanian wine for tonight's dinner. There is no reason not to buy here, so, I get a bottle of the famous Tasmanian vintage.


Maria island NP /Raspins Beach  
We drive the car for about half an hour in the eucalyptus forests. Suddenly, the beautiful scenery of the beach comes into my eyes. This is the Raspins beach. Maria Island is far away from the offshore. The sea is calm and peaceful.
The scenery is shining beautifully with reflecting the deep cobalt color in the blue sky.

We continue driving along the beautiful east coast for a couple of hours. When I am taking videos of the flying scenery from the car window, Michael begins to sing a song and teaches me the song's lyrics. The song is "Waltzing Matilda". And it is the famous folk song of Australia.
jagged granite Hazards 
Gradually, I know the meaning of the lyrics, I think, I can realize the Australian's way of thinking a little.  When you sing this song, you'll be cheer up yourself. I 'll master it thoroughly and memorize it as an Australia's good memory. ♪You'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me ...


Wineglass Bay's view from the lookout platform
Meanwhile, our car arrives at Freycinet National Park. This is popular with the travelers from not only Australia but from overseeing visit here.
Michael says he realizes recently that the number of Asian people visiting here has been increasing than ever.
We walk up to the lookout platform for about a 30-minute walk from the parking lot.
The scenery of the beautiful Wineglass bay spreading bellow is quite an eyeful.
The shape of the bay is just like a wine glass as the name show us.

a Wallaby is looking for his lunch

When we come back at the parking lot of the park, a wallaby is looking for her lunch around the visitors who are having lunch. Nobody must feed to wild animals in the park. But an old lady is trying to give something crackers, The other one says "No! No! Not do that!".
Because each of the people in this country knows well about feeding to wild animals without permission is to spoil their lives.
Anyway, the wallaby looks cute!  "Kawaii !", doesn't it!

公園の駐車場に着くと、一匹のワラビー(小さいカンガルー)が訪問者の間をぬって、ランチを探している。 この公園では、野生の動物達にはエサを与えてはいけないことになっている。それでも、
.誰かが、クラッカーのようなものをやろうとすると、他のだれかが、「ダメ、ダメ、それはするな」という。許可無しのエサやりは、彼らの生活をダメにすることを、この国の人々は良く知っているからだ。 それはともかく、このワラビーは「可愛いいー!」

The sun's evening glow leads us toward the west.
Our travel continues from Freycinet to Longford. The car runs the lord of Tasmanian plain toward west way at dusk. It becomes dark we look up the roadmap in the car and where we are. There are fewer traffic signs along the road the way to Longford.
At last, we find a cottage for tonight's inn in the dark.
Tonight cottage is a special house welcoming us at Brickendon near Long ford.
When we step foot in the cottage, we find a magic world there.

今宵、我々を歓迎してくれる特別の宿はブリッケンドンにある。 ひと度、その宿に足を踏み入れると、そこに、不思議な世界を見いだす。

There is a warm fire burning in the living room's grate. Nobody is here in this cottage except Michael and me. We drink a toast to our arrival at this cottage after long driving in the dark road and settle ourselves in the sofas.


Michael and I stay at Coachman's cottage and had a dinner party in front of the fire.

Bedroom at first floor(1階寝室)
There is a cozy bedroom on the first floor. I use this room for tonight.
There are many books, tags, receipts and magazines on the shelf beside the bed. Those books might have been published in 19 C.
Michael says from the books, tags or receipts, we can imagine their lifestyles at the age.
It is interesting to imagine how the people were living in those days.


Friday, 24 October 2014

DAY 5 Mt. Field National Park

Today's short trip starts up to drive on the country road by the Derwent river and then to go to Mt. Field National Park.
Many fields and forests spread out beside the road.
A small river bridge across the streams toward the Derwent River.
It's at the beginning of autumn now.
The leaves of the trees around the river are changing the color.



"What a beautiful scenery with the river and colorful trees it is! " I am deeply impressed by the scenery. Michael parks the car near the riverside and suggests me to take some pictures of the scenery. Michael says "This river and the banks remind me, my old hometown in Hobart, where I used to play and catch fishes in my childhood."
When I walk around there to take some pictures, meanwhile two or three boys who are about ten years old and living there come up and talk to me friendly. They look at me and ask where I am from. This is the first time having a conversation with Australian boys in English. I wonder, they are interested in me like Asian. Then I reply to them "I'm from Japan and I'm a Samurai! Don't you know Samurai?"  For a while, I enjoy having a chat with them.

「なんと、美しい景色なんだ!川と色とりどりな木々をともなって。」 私はこの景色に深く感動する。マイケルは、車を川岸の近くに止めて、その景色を写真に撮ったらと勧めてくれる。その川と堤は マイケルが昔の少年時代にホバートにある彼の古里を思い出させ、魚を捕まえて、遊んだことを思い出させてくれる。」 と言っている。 写真を撮るため、そのへんを歩いていると、この辺に住んでいる少年だろうか、10歳ぐらいの男の子達が二三人現れ、私が、どこから来たのかと問いかけ、興味深げに私を見つめる。
Another angle's scenery of the river and trees
 On the high way, we are driving, we often see poplars just like walls. They might be windbreaks for crops. Anyway, they are spectacular views, aren't they?


Most towns in Tasmania, there is a war memorial which was erected as for some of the town's people who engaged in World War 1 as the Allied forces. The inscription on the memorial says "The Great War 1914・1919 this district was represented by 416 men and 3 nurses,  Principal battles our men were engaged in Gallipoli at "landing ", "lone pine ".


Australian Army and New Zealand Army had the battles with Turkey army at Gallipoli peninsula near Istanbul in the Mideast. They landed the shore of Gallipoli and occupied around the region to threat Turkey for a while. But they withdrew from there soon.  During the war, A lots of soldiers were killed in action, died of wounds or succumbed to the disease. Therefore, Gallipoli became a household name in Australia. Taking part in the war and lots of soldiers' death affected widely from town to town people's mind. And then, ANZAC which name was taken from the initials of both countries, a tradition was created and held the memorial ceremony every year on April 25. Michael says, "Gallipoli became the common tie forged in adversity that bound the colonies and people of Australia into a nation. After the war, Australia, New Zealand and Turkey have commemorated the war at ANZAC day. They become friendly country each other and have been continuing a good relation since then."   


With those war stories of Australia, which are the war memorial and the meaning of ANZAC day, I feel something heavy historical matter has been taking even now around here.  Looking at the memorial for a while., I am thinking over what was the mind of those who attended the war as a volunteer.


Then, we head to next destination Mt.Field National Park..

Michael and I arrive at Mt Fields National Park. The Park is one of Tasmania's oldest parks, proclaimed in 1916. We park the car and pay for the park's entry fee here. The fee is used for keeping this National park properly

マウント・フィールド・ナショナルパークへ到着。この公園はタスマニアの1916年に制定された最古の公園の一つに揚げられる。 車を駐車し、入園料を払う。この入園料はこの公園の適切な維持に使われるそうだ。

The sign board at the entrance of Mt Field National Park
We can enjoy walking in the tunnel of the fern forest by exploring or watching lots of interesting plants or animals. → (read more)


Tall tree, beautiful falls, and lake
In five minutes' walk, I come to the famous  Russel Falls.  The falls is showering down like grandeur water curtains.

五分ぐらい歩いているうちに、有名なラッセル滝にたどり着く。 その滝は、荘厳な水のカーテンのように、天上から降り注いでいる。

The famous Russel Falls
This is the tallest living tree in the world. The signboard beside the tree explains how to measure the height of the tree.


Can you guess the high's of the tree?
How tall?
at the foot of Tall Tree
This fall is the most beautiful. I have ever seen. The shape of the fall looks like a horseshoe, So they call the falls' name "Horse Shoe falls". What do you think the name of this fall? I love it very much. It gives us some kind of familiar impression.  I think this falls represents the beauties of Tasmania's nature.
この瀧は、私の知る限りでは、最も美しい瀧 です。 その形が、馬の馬蹄形に似ているので、「ホースシュー・フォールズ」と呼ばれている。 この名前をどう思いますか? 私は、その名前大変好きです。それは、何か親しみのもてる名前です。 その瀧は、タスマニアの美しい自然を代表しているようです。

Horseshoe Falls is beautiful and lovely. And it looks like some kind of veils for ladies..  (the Photo by Michael),


Dobson lake (ドブソン湖)
Then we drive up to high land of the park. There is an old lake which has exited from the ancient time of the glacial period. We walk around the lake"Dobson Lake" about 40 minutes.  Giant Pandani trees beside the trail welcome us.  Since the lake's location is at high land(1,000 mh), there is some snow at the foot of the trees. 
These Pandani Groves, clustered around, are 3 or 4 meters high and the largest health plants in the world.

Pandani Grove Circuit (パンダニグローブ・回廊)
この後、近くの高原にゆき、そこにある氷河期からある古い湖「ドブソン湖」を一周する。歩道の脇の巨大なパンダニの木が我々を歓迎してくれる。 この高原はかなり、高い所(1000mh)にあるようで、雪が木の根元にところどころみられる。

Rugged Sentinel Range

We drive to the west high way from the park. After about one hour,  we can see a big mountain ranges in the distance of the high way. Meanwhile, a surprising view comes up suddenly. The scene what I see is a majestic mountain " Sentinel Range (963 m)"  with rocky mountains.
 I can image the scene of Westerns with the scenery.

Sentinel Range (963 mh)

go to DAY 6